S/S Bind Hd Ph Mach Screw Asst
6-32 to 1/4-20
Part#: 84634
SS Truss Hd Ph Mach Screw Asst
Part#: 85516
S/S Flat Hd Ph Mach Screw Asst
6-32 to 10-24
Part#: 85519
Part#: 85525
S/S Oval Hd Ph Mach Screw Asst
Part#: 85527
4-40 to 8-32
Part#: 85555
10-32 to 1/4-20
Part#: 85556
S/S Bind Hd Ph M/S Refill Asst
Part#: 184634
S/S Tr Hd Ph M/S Refill Asst
Part#: 185516
S/S Flat Hd Ph M/S Refill Asst
Part#: 185519
Part#: 185525
S/S Oval Hd Ph M/S Refill Asst
Part#: 185527
Part#: 185555
Part#: 185556